Sunday, November 9, 2008

Went to the "Burgh" over the weekend, and had a chance to stop in Oakland. Most people were heading off to watch the Panthers lose, but we stopped in at the Cathedral to see the job that Pittsburgh 250 had done lighting the building.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The mood continues

Was a beautiful day Sunday, so we headed off to the Erie zoo for a nice walk. They still had much of their decorations up from their "Zoo Boo", and the tree were bright with color. But I've shot quite a bit of fall color lately, so tried to think in B&W on this trip.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween.. Great time to start a blog

Since beginning to prepare for a one-man show in 2009, I've begun carrying my camera with me at all times. Comes in useful more times then you would think. I drive by the motel often on the way to work. It's one of several abandoned motels along old Rte 5, what used to be a major thoroughfare throughout Western NY, but has been rendered irrelevant by the NYS turnpike.

You almost hear someone yelling "mother" as you drive by.. quickly...

On the way home that night I passed a fruit stand for the 10,000th time, but being Devil's night, they had cut and displayed dozens of Jack-O'lanterns on the site.